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325 results total, viewing 41 - 60

Local students awarded degrees during CMU winter commencement

Central Methodist University celebrated its Winter 2024 commencement in Puckett Fieldhouse on the Fayette campus on Saturday. Former board of trustees member James Kimbell delivered the commencement … more

Donates beef to Fayette schools

Photo Submitted Students in the Fayette school district will be eating high-quality Howard County beef thanks to the MO Beef Kids program. Farmers Steve and Joyce Diehls and the Howard County … more

Church to serve annual Christmas meal

The First Christian Church in Fayette will serve its annual Fayette Area Community Christmas Dinner from 4 until 6 p.m. on December 25. This will be the 15th year the meal will be held. The team … more

New restaurant to anchor Eagle Plaza

In its continued effort to invest in the Fayette community, Central Methodist University has announced plans for filling the remaining spaces in the newly opened Eagle Plaza on the downtown square. A … more

Mt. Pleasant Cemetery to honor fallen servicemen in national ceremony Saturday

Mount Pleasant Cemetery, just north of New Franklin, will be one of more than 4,225 locations across the United States to participate in National Wreaths Across America Day. A public wreath-laying … more

Cabinet manufacturer begins construction on 10k square foot factory in Glasgow

A Arizona-based construction company announced last week it will expand its cabinet manufacturing division with a new plant in Glasgow. The building is currently under construction near … more

Fayette ace commits to NCMC

Fayette’s three-year starting pitcher Skylar Sunderland signed a commitment last Tuesday to play softball next season at North Central Missouri College in Trenton. The All-State pitcher … more

Downtown Fayette Christmas Parade Saturday

A full day of family fun and shopping will usher in the Christmas season this Saturday on Fayette’s historic courthouse square.   Downtown Fayette, formerly Fayette Main Street, hosts … more

Fayette PD donates pork steak fundraiser to Christmas Holiday House

The Fayette Police Department donated the proceeds of its most recent annual fundraiser to the Christmas Holiday House. City Marshal David Ford and Captain Greg Lanham presented a check in the amount … more

Dr. Stroupe as Mo. AVMA delegate

Howard County veterinarian Dr. Jessica Stroupe was recently elected as Missouri’s District Delegate to the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), a prestigious role in the veterinary … more

Texas attorney to deliver CMU winter commencement address Saturday

Central Methodist University will celebrate its newest batch of graduates at its annual Winter Commencement. The ceremony will begin at   1 p.m. on Saturday, December 7, at Puckett Fieldhouse on … more

2024 Glasgow Tournament Roundup

The second night of first-round tournament action at Glasgow was full of drama. The second-seeded Fayette girls narrowly escaped a near upset by seventh-seeded Marceline, and the third-seeded New … more

Bagbys named Grand Marshals of Downtown Fayette Christmas Parade

Downtown Fayette has announced lifelong Fayette residents Gary and Don Bagby as the Grand Marshals of this year’s Christmas Parade, which kicks off at 5:30 p.m. around the square, Dec. 7. … more

Glasgow coach Mick Cropp announced for MBCA Hall of Fame

Glasgow High School basketball coach Mick Cropp will be inducted into the Missouri Basketball Coaches Association (MBCA) Class of 2025 Hall of Fame. The induction ceremony will take place on May 3. … more

County elected officials vote down own pay raises

Howard County’s elected officials voted against giving themselves raises. A salary commission meeting was held Thursday morning in the courtroom on the second floor of the courthouse. … more

Judge Cooksey to retire

Judge James Cooksey has submitted a letter to the governor’s office stating his intent to retire from the bench effective December 1. He serves as Associate Judge for the 14th Judicial Circuit, … more

Local author reads to Kindergarten students

The co-author of a new children’s book took time to read to Kindergarten students at Daly Elementary School last week. On Wednesday, Cara (Syferd) Owings read aloud her book “Be … more

Donations sought for Coat Closet

The Howard County Human Services Council is seeking new or used coats for the coat closet project located at the Keller Building. Rachel Dougherty started the project in 2005 when she saw a need in … more

Ashby-Hodge Gallery sale and show Dec. 3-12

The final event of the calendar year at the Ashby-Hodge Gallery of American Art opens on Tuesday, December 3, with the annual Christmas sale and show. It runs through December 12 on the campus of … more

West coast theater organist to present concert of popular Christmas favorites at First Christian Church

California theater organist, Walt Strony, will perform a Christmas themed silent film accompaniment and other theater organ Christmas favorites at Fayette’s First Christian Church at 4 p.m. … more
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